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Kindergarten - 5th Grade

We want to partner with parents to help the next generation build an every day faith. We are committed to helping your child become everything that God made them to be, a part of His Great Story. Worship experiences are designed to do just that. Kids will experience great music, fun games, engaging and relevant messages, and intentional small groups! We hope you'll join us!


November  Series 


Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35, NIrV) However, sometimes generosity doesn’t come naturally to us. We want the newest and best things, or we want everyone to notice what we have. When we really enjoy the things we have, sometimes that makes it harder for us to be willing to share with others. However, with the help of God’s Spirit, we can learn that HOW we give is more important than even WHAT we give. It’s about our hearts. God showed us the ultimate example of generosity by sending Jesus. This month, we’ll take a look at how we can respond by being generous to others.


What happens at home is more important than what happens at church.  We want to help your child build their faith in everyday moments and not just on Sunday or Wednesday. That is why every week, they are given devotionals to connect what happens at church to everyday life. If your child missed any service this month, no worries! You can download their weekly God Times here!

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