"From everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him." Psalm 103:17
Most of us are pretty good at worrying, aren’t we? There was definitely a lot of questions and some worry when Hurricane Michael destroyed our home and flipped Panama City upside down. Where would we live? How would we make ends meet? How would the city recover such devastation? And now we have a global pandemic. When worries come, however, I’ve found it helpful to counter them with the promises of the Bible about God’s steadfast love. He loves us and no matter what happens, He never abandons us. We know this because Jesus Christ demonstrated God’s love for us by giving His life for our salvation.
Does this mean that things will never go wrong or we’ll never have any problems? Absolutely not! But it does mean that nothing we experience ever catches God by surprise or is too big for Him to handle. Even when our day seems dark, God never leaves us, nor does He allow anything to come our way that can overwhelm us.
With it being Easter Week, let’s not forget to reflect on God’s Love for us! And from here on out, make it a practice to thank God every day for the blessings you have. Thank Him each day that He loves YOU! Worries flee before a spirit of gratitude. Then, when problems do come, commit them in faith to God. Since God takes care of the smallest birds, can’t we trust Him to take care of us? After all,“Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26)
